blk grls and curls
In my 10 years of being a flight attendant, I have successfully managed to dodge working any holidays until this year. And yet somehow, I had the most memorable Thanksgiving experience I’ve ever had in my adult years. Yeah… I complained about it at first, but then I thought, eh, I don’t have any kids so why not enjoy this holiday the best I can. I often pray for new doors to open and for God to lead the way in my life and I really just follow ya’ll. It’s amazing the way God moves when you take a step back and allow him to guide you.
A few weeks prior to Turkey day.. I was doing my daily scroll through IG and I stumbled upon a post from Camille Rose to participate in a Friendsgiving event in Atlanta. I knew I had an upcoming layover that way so I figured it would be perfect if I were selected. I kid you not, I received an answer to that emailed request within 24 hours and made plans to have an extended stay in Atlanta. Fast forward to the morning of the day of the event, I had my coffee and morning conversation with God and prayed for a delightful day with delightful people. Ya’ll I know that sounds simple but sometimes, thats really all I need. Working in an idustry where you work with different coworkers and different personalities everyday… I love the days when I know I’ll be working with a “good crew”. This day was no different and per usual, God overdelivered! I had such an amazing time meeting five beautifully melanated women, each with an engaging story and unique lifestyle. Being a part of an ongoing collection of beauty that consists of many shades of melanin and all sorts of curls and coils is pretty high up on my list of FAVES. So needless to say, I walked out of this event with a full Heart. We ate, we talked, we discussed our mutual appreciation for the brand we all came together for. And somehow we also managed to become a unique group of women encouraging other women in the process. I watched two ladies in the group instantly become friends by uplifting each others talents, a new mom discussing the joys of parenting with her husband, a newlywed thats happily married and an engaged woman that is also successful in her career and flourishing! To hear such beautiful life stories in such a short period of time; all while having fun has to be the most refreshing thing I’ve seen this year. I Can’t wait to see how Christmas unfolds… I have to fly that day too.